
VPIphotonics GmbH(德国)


Carnotstr. 6 10587 Berlin Germany
+49 30 3 98 05 80
+49 30 39 80 58 58
光纤模拟软件  激光建模  激光模拟软件  设计软件  脉冲传播建模  谐振腔设计 


德国VPIphotonics公司是光纤通信领域中专业从事光通信系统和光网络与光器件模拟设计软件开发的世界顶级公司,总部位于德国柏林, 并且在波士顿,明斯克设立有研发机构。软件广泛应用于运营商、设备商、光器件制造商,有力支撑了VPIphotonics公司的光子学软件研究和发展,并持续保持领先水平。VPIphotonics公司成立近20年来一直专注于光通信仿真和设计,其仿真系列系列软件已广泛应用于光通信各个领域,成为工业界和学术界光通信仿真标准!

VPIphotonics公司拥有包括链路规划、系统设计、器件设计、波导设计等功能在内的多款高水平设计仿真软件,广泛应用于光通信领域,是工业界和学术界光通信仿真标准! VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems可以模拟设计各种WDM、CATV和混合传输系统。VPIcomponentMaker系列包含两套设计仿真软件,分别是Photonic Circuits和Fiber Optics。Photonic Circuits可对宽光谱的有源/无源的光子集成电路、有源动态模块、动态可调和无源器件等进行模拟设计。Fiber Optics主要对光纤激光器和光纤放大器进行模拟设计,同样也可对拉曼放大器及拉曼和掺杂光纤放大器联合设计。此外VPI还推出了用于实验室测试仪表联合仿真软件VPIlabExert,增强版DSP算法软件库以及集成光波导&特种光纤仿真设计VPI ModeDesigner,进一步完善了VPI软件产品线,满足用户更多仿真设计需求。


Link Engineering

»Our Link Engineering solutions provide simple means for the cost-effective optical network configuration, and offer a unified approach to control equipment libraries and engineering methodologies.

Transmission Design


Our Transmission Design solutions provide professional means for investigating and optimizing systems technologies, and evaluating novel component and subsystem designs in a systems context.

Component Design


Our Component Design solutions provide professional means for the development and optimization of photonic integrated circuits, optoelectronic components, as well as fiber-based amplifiers and lasers.

 »VPIphotonics Design Suite™

Device Simulation


Our Device Simulation solution provides a versatile simulation framework for the analysis and optimization of integrated photonic waveguides and optical fibers.




Photonic Design Automation and Optical Equipment Configuration

VPIphotonics Tools Overview

VPIphotonics first coined the term Photonic Design Automation (PDA) in 1998 to describe the design methodologies, software tools and services used to engineer complex photonic networks and products. PDA helps optical component and system vendors to manage intellectual property and reduce operating expenses by streamlining processes, from R&D to technical sales and marketing.

Today, VPIphotonics offers a flexible software environment to support requirements in optical component and systems design as well

as cost optimization of equipment choices leading to performance reports and bill of materials.

Our customers choose sub-sets of this matrix according to their core business. This choice is in the secure knowledge that interfaces are available to the tools used by their suppliers and customers, third-party software (such as electronic design and passive component design), laboratory equipment, and existing databases.

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