Taranis Laser Gain Module
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Single Crystal Fiber (SCF)
Fibercryst pioneered Single Crystal Fiber (SCF) technology, the best solution for short pulse amplification; it is used throughout its product lines.
A (SCF) is a single-crystal with a long length, a small diameter and attractive light guiding properties. Single crystal fibers are typically 1 mm in diameter and 30 to 50 mm long and generally produced in Nd:YAG or Yb:YAG.
In a SCF amplifier, the pump beam is focused In a 400 µm diameter spot near the crystal fiber input. The highly divergent beam is then guided by total internal reflection and refocused again in the gain medium. The laser beam is unguided through the crystal, like in a classical rod, with a typical diameter of 400 µm at 1/e². The high refractive index of the crystal naturally limits the divergence of the beam.
SCF amplifier
Single Crystal Fibers are perfectly suited for MOPA (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier); as an example Yb:YAG SCF gain modules produced by Fibercryst were pumped up to 600 W at 940 nm without damage, far above the typical pumping level of usual bulk crystals.
Taranis Module
Fibercryst and the CNRS-IOGS lab developed a technology to integrate the crystal fiber directly into a metallic mount to achieve efficient cooling of the SCF up to several hundreds Watts of pump power. The resulting Taranis module exhibits a thermal exchange coefficient up to 5 W/cm²/K, 5 times better than classical indium pressed solutions
The Taranis module by Fibercryst is a unique solution to provide high peak power and high energy amplification using a simple and compact design:
Conservation of seed laser signal quality, M² and polarization
Efficient cooling
Product protected with 3 international patents.
Femtosecond LasersDescription Spécifications Interfaces FEMTO by Fibercryst is a series of powerful industrial femtosecond pulse width lasers offering output powers up to 25 W for high throughput, high quality micromachining. The FEMTO series provides high pulse energies up to 150 μJ of typically 800 fs pulse width at repetition rates selectable between 100 kHz and 2 MHz. The FEMTO series is the only ultra-fast lasers available utilizing the revolutionary Taranis Single Crystal Fiber (SCF) amplifier construction which enables higher energy per pulse, more widely variable repetition rates without the need to lower energy, improved beam quality, more effective smaller packaging.
Picosecond Lasers
Description Spécifications Interfaces
Using the same technology and architecture than for the Femto laser, Fibercryst has demonstrated Picosecond operation with the Taranis SCF technology. With pulses shorter than 10 ps, average power up to 60W was achieved at 2MHz. The system can be operated from 200kHz to 2MHz with energy up to 70uJ at the lower frequency.
Upon request and for industrial applications Fibercryst can produce such a laser. ASk our engineering team about the best configuration for your application.
Typical power level are 12W, 30W with the same laser head size as for the Femto and 60W in a slightly larger frame.
Subnanosecond Lasers
Description Spécifications Interfaces
2 mJ, 500ps at 1064nm
Fibercryst commercializes a unique 1064 nm sub-ns laser system delivering more than 3MW peak power. The laser designed for research and test labs is a standalone unit combining a commercial seed laser with the Fibercryst amplifier technology.
It takes full advantages of the Taranis technology providing polarized beam, TEM00 output and 2mJ of pulse energy.
Amplifiers for lasers
Description Spécifications Amplifier calculator Product description
Fibercryst provides standalone amplifiers designed for a wide range of seed lasers. The seed laser output is either fiber coupled or in free propagation mode. With the Taranis Amplifiers, you can benefit from the Taranis Single Crystal Fiber technology and boost your laser to high average power, high peak power (up to 30 MW) and high pulse energy.
Taranis Laser Gain Module
Taranis amplifiers
Taranis module offers a very flexible approach to short pulse amplification. It can be used with one pump diode or be pumped from both sides, it can be used in single pass or double pass amplification. The choice of the configuration depends on many parameters such as seed laser performances, required output specifications, air, water or TEC cooling system. Figures below are examples of what can be achieved, independantly, using the appropriate seed laser.
Moreover, it has been used to amplify sytems ranging from femtosecond to nanosecond pulse duration and at repetion rate from few Hz to tens of Mhz.
Product at two wavelengths
Taranis modules are compact systems available with a choice of two laser crystals fibers: Nd:YAG emitting at 1064nm and Yb:YAG for 1030nm emission.
Custom designs of the Taranis amplifier can be produced upon request to best fit the need of the user considering multiple purchase of the module.
The Taranis module from Fibercryst is a unique solution to provide high power and high energy amplification of pulsed lasers using a simple and compact design :
Conservation of seed laser signal quality : M² and polarization
Cooling system ready to operate in customer system
Continuous technical support
Shorter amplifier development time
Industrial product
Product protected with 3 patents
Independent supplier
Taranis Laser Gain Module
Taranis amplifiers
Taranis module offers a very flexible approach to short pulse amplification. It can be used with one pump diode or be pumped from both sides, it can be used in single pass or double pass amplification. The choice of the configuration depends on many parameters such as seed laser performances, required output specifications, air, water or TEC cooling system. Figures below are examples of what can be achieved, independantly, using the appropriate seed laser.
Moreover, it has been used to amplify sytems ranging from femtosecond to nanosecond pulse duration and at repetion rate from few Hz to tens of Mhz.
Product at two wavelengths
Taranis modules are compact systems available with a choice of two laser crystals fibers: Nd:YAG emitting at 1064nm and Yb:YAG for 1030nm emission.
Custom designs of the Taranis amplifier can be produced upon request to best fit the need of the user considering multiple purchase of the module.
The Taranis module from Fibercryst is a unique solution to provide high power and high energy amplification of pulsed lasers using a simple and compact design :
Conservation of seed laser signal quality : M² and polarization
Cooling system ready to operate in customer system
Continuous technical support
Shorter amplifier development time
Industrial product
Product protected with 3 patents
Independent supplier
Technical Capabilities
Some examples from users
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