
Teem Photonics(法国)


61, chemin du Vieux Chêne 38246 Meylan France
+33 4 76 04 05 06
+33 4 76 04 03 02
紫外激光器  超快激光器  固体激光器  调Q激光器  脉冲激光器  皮秒激光器  微芯片激光  激光  绿激光  半导体泵浦激光器 


Teem Photonics™是一家民营公司,近法国东南部城市格勒诺布尔。1998年从Schneider Electric分离出来后,Teem Photonics™逐渐成为被动调Q亚纳秒微片激光器领域的领导者。


Teem Photonics™公司的产品广泛应用于工业和生物光子学,包括:荧光、光谱学、打标、显微解剖、通信、测距,还可作为光纤激光器的种子和生成超连续谱。

Teem Photonics™主要推出4大系列产品:Microchip, Powerchip, Picospark, Picoflash,遍及全球。在欧洲、亚洲、中东、美国和加拿大设有办事处和代理商。Teem Photonics还拥有一家全资子公司Teem Photonics USA,位于美国麻萨诸塞州。


  • New 1064 products: 

  • We are pleased to introduce a significant extension of the product range with a group of 4  innovative solutions :

  • Microchip SLM version series, a true single longitudinal mode laser with 70 - 100 kHz repetition rates and down to 500 ps pulse duration.

    PicoOne and PicoMega two versions of our new amplified laser platform with either more energy per pulse or 1 MHz pulse rate with <200ps pulse duration

    Microchip 2 µm, a new compact mid-IR evolution.


  • Microchip MNx 1535nm and 1064nm series:

  • Teem Photonics MNE and MNP series are our most compact IR microchip lasers. They integrate the pump diode, the micro-cavity and even the second harmonic generation crystal  in a package less than 7cm long. 

    The 1064nm engine produces sub-nanosecond pulses with several kW peak power, achieving over 50% second harmonic generation efficiency at 532nm. 

    The 1535nm micro-laser offers similar performances with a few nanoseconds pulse duration.  

  • The controllers allow the user to drive the laser emission on and off but also to remotely monitor the laser status. 


  • 1064nm MicroChip SNP and STP series:

  • For generating high peak power IR pulses of a few hundred picoseconds, microchip lasers are economical, compact, and reliable. Sub-nanosecond 1064nm pulses are indeed directly generated from the diode pumped passively Q-switched Nd:YAG microchip engine. Microchips are also easy to operate and service ; controllers can be used with every laser head model and swapped within minutes while conserving constant performances. 

  • The SNP series are designed for high average power, either from pulse energies of 20µJ at 1064nm, or from repetition rates up to 130kHz.

  • The triggered STP series offer the highest peak power and shortest pulses of the entire Microchip family. With these devices, the user is able to trigger pulse emission on demand from single-shot to 4kHz using the dedicated MP1 controller  series.


  • PowerChip PNP-M 1064nm series:

  • The PowerChip™ passively Q-switched MicroChip lasers offer  the highest peak powers and shortest pulses at kilohertz repetition rates with an excellent beam quality. They feature a completely integrated platform which includes the laser head, power supply and air cooling in a compact, rugged, and turnkey package.

 Furthermore, the PowerChip is a completely integrated platform which includes the laser head, power supply and air cooling in a compact, rugged, turnkey package


  • PicoFlash™ 1064nm:


  • The PicoFlash™ series combines ultra-high repetition rate and exceptional pulse characteristics to provide the best price/quality ratio for precise micromachining and biomedical applications. 

    Passively Q-Switched (PQS) microchip laser technology and fiber amplification are brought together, delivering multi-kW pulses train and exceptional beam quality in an air-cooled and compact package.

    This Master Oscillator Fiber Amplifier (MOFA) architecture notably offers a full control over the pulse energy (or peak power) while leaving unchanged the pulse shape and pulse duration. 


  • PicoSpark™ 1064nm:

  • The PicoSpark™ series combines multi-watt output level with high repetition rate and exceptional pulse characteristics to provide the best price/quality ratio for micromachining application. 

    Passively Q-Switched (PQS) microchip laser technology and fiber amplification are brought together, delivering pulses with hundreds of kilowatt peak power and hundreds of gigawatt per square centimeter power density in a sealed and air-cooled compact package.

  • This Master Oscillator Fiber Amplifier (MOFA) architecture notably offers a full control over the pulse energy (or peak power) while leaving unchanged the pulse width and pulse shape. 

New 532 products: 

 We are pleased to introduce a significant extension of the product range with a group of innovative solutions :

 Microchip SLM version series, a true single longitudinal mode laser with 70 - 100 kHz repetition rates and down to 500 ps pulse duration.

 PicoOne and PicoMega two versions of our new amplified laser platform with either more energy per pulse or 1 MHz pulse rate with <200ps pulse duration. 


Microchip MNx 532nm series:

Teem Photonics MNG series are our most compact 532 nm microchip lasers. They integrate the pump diode, the micro-cavity and even the second harmonic generation crystal  in a package less than 7cm long.

The 1064nm engine produces sub-nanosecond pulses with several kW peak power, achieving over 50% second harmonic generation efficiency at 532nm. 

The controllers allow the user to drive the laser emission on and off, but also to remotely monitor the laser status.  



532 nm MicroChip SNG and STG series:


For generating high peak power green pulses of a few hundred picoseconds,microchip lasers are economical, compact, and reliable.  The 532nm pulses are produced by harmonic conversion from the IR systems, the same compact sealed package being used for either wavelength. Microchips are also easy to operate and service ; controllers can be used with every laser head model and swapped within minutes while conserving constant performances.

The SNG series are designed for high average power, delivering multi-kW peak power at repetition rates up to 40kH.

The triggered STG series offer the highest peak power and shortest pulses of the entire Microchip family. With these devices, the user is able to trigger pulse emission on demand from single-shot to 4kHz using the dedicated MP1 controller series.

PowerChip PNx-M 532nm series:

The PowerChip™ passively Q-switched MicroChip lasers offer  the highest peak powers and shortest pulses at kilohertz repetition rates with an excellent beam quality. They feature a completely integrated platform which includes the laser head, power supply and air cooling in a compact, rugged, and turnkey package. 


Furthermore, the PowerChip is a completely integrated platform which includes the laser head, power supply and air cooling in a compact, rugged, turnkey package.


PicoSpark™ 532nm:


The PicoSpark™ series combines multi-watt output level with high repetition rate and exceptional pulse characteristics to provide the best price/quality ratio for micromachining application. 

Passively Q-Switched (PQS) microchip laser technology and fiber amplification are brought together, delivering pulses with hundreds of kilowatt peak power and hundreds of gigawatt per square centimeter power density in a sealed and air-cooled compact package.

This Master Oscillator Fiber Amplifier (MOFA) architecture notably offers a full control over the pulse energy (or peak power) while leaving unchanged the pulse width and pulse shape

The Picospark™ HNG series emits 3.5W at 532nm, generated by harmonic conversion with a typical M2 lower than 1.1.

  • New UV products: 

  • We are pleased to introduce a significant extension of the product range with a group of  innovative solutions :

    Microchip SLM version series, a true single longitudinal mode laser with 70 - 100 kHz repetition rates and down to 500 ps pulse duration.

    Powerchip 213 nm, the extended UV version of the well known range


  • 266nm MicroChip SNU and STU series:

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    For generating high peak power ultraviolet pulses of a few hundred picoseconds, microchip lasers are economical, compact, and reliable. Microjoule UV pulses are generated by harmonic conversion of the IR passively Q-switched Nd:YAG engine.  Microchips are also easy to operate and service ; controllers can be used with every laser head model and swapped within minutes while conserving constant performances.

  • The SNU series are designed for high average power, delivering multi-kW peak power at repetition rates up to 20kHz.

  • The triggered STU series offer the highest peak power and shortest pulses of the entire Microchip family. With these devices, the user is able to trigger pulse emission on demand from single-shot to 4kHz using the dedicated MP1 controller series.


  • 355nm MicroChip SNV and STV series:

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    For generating high peak power ultraviolet pulses of a few hundred picoseconds, microchip lasers are economical, compact, and reliable. Microjoule UV pulses are generated by harmonic conversion of the IR passively Q-switched Nd:YAG engine. Microchips are also easy to operate and service; controllers can be used with every laser head model and swapped within minutes while conserving constant performances.

  • The SNV series are designed for high average power, delivering multi-kW peak power at repetition rates up to 20kHz.

  • The triggered STV series offer the highest peak power and shortest pulses of the entire Microchip family. With these devices, the user is able to trigger pulse emission on demand from single-shot to 4kHz using the dedicated MP1 controller series.


  • PowerChip PNV 355nm and PNU 266nm series:

  • The PowerChip™ passively Q-switched MicroChip lasers offer  the highest peak powers and shortest pulses at kilohertz repetition rates with an excellent beam quality. They feature a completely integrated platform which includes the laser head, power supply and air cooling in a compact, rugged, and turnkey package. 

    Furthermore, the PowerChip is a completely integrated platform which includes the laser head, power supply and air cooling in a compact, rugged, turnkey package.


  • PicoFlash™ XNV 355nm:


  • The PicoFlash™ series combines ultra-high repetition rate and exceptional pulse characteristics down to 355nm to provide the best price/quality ratio for precise micromachining and biomedical applications.

  • Passively Q-Switched (PQS) microchip laser technology and fiber amplification are brought together, delivering multi-kW pulses train and exceptional beam quality in an air-cooled and compact package.

  • This Master Oscillator Fiber Amplifier (MOFA) architecture notably offers a full control over the pulse energy (or peak power) while leaving unchanged the pulse shape and pulse duration.

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