俄罗斯Scontel公司(Superconducting Nanotechnology)成立于2004年,总部位于俄罗斯首都莫斯科,是世界著名的超导探测器制造厂商,以生产超快、超灵敏的超导探测器而闻名。Scontel一直专注于设计、制造基于薄膜超导纳米结构的超低温冷却装置,诸如快速灵敏的THz接收器、皮秒响应时间的可见光到近红外波段的高量子效率、超低暗数的单光子探测器,其超导单光子探测器可覆盖可见光到远红外及THZ范围。
1. 超导单光子探测系统(SSPD)
Possible range of System's specifications(下载手册):
-Quantum Efficiency: ≥ 85 %
-Timing jitter: ≤ 45 ps (20 ps on request)
-Dark counts rate: ≤ 10 cps (0.1 cps on request)
-Spectral range: 0.5 ÷ 2.5 µm
-No afterpulsing
-Fiber coupling (no misalignment)
-Operation in a continuous mode
General parameters
-Number of channels: 1-8
-Fiber: SMF-28e (980-HP, 780-HP, etc.)
-Original output voltage: ≤ 150 mV
-Types of output voltage: TTL, ECL, LVDS
-Electrical connection: SMA
-Driver interface: USB, LabVIEW
Possible Applications:
· Photonic quantum computing · CMOS defect analysis · TCSPC · Single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy · On-chip quantum optics |
2. 太赫兹探测系统
太赫兹探测系统三频率范围内优化,包括为THz总体范围。该系统采用一个更/ NbN超导热电子测辐射热计(出演)安装在一个硅/锗透镜和低噪声低温冷却高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)放大器。scontel可提供最快的太赫兹接收机,具有灵敏度与最佳检测系统。
1) Liquid Helium Cryostat.
This allows for using THz detectors without expensive cryogen-free equipment. The storage dewar filled with 1 or 2 liters of helium allows for over 5 or 7 hours correspondingly of uninterrupted operation of the system. Operating temperature of the system is 4.2 K
2) Cryogen-free system.
The Closed-Cycle Refrigerator is a cryogen-free cooling system which does not use liquid helium (the operating temperature is below 2.5 K). This type of detection system would be ideal for those who want to avoid handling with liquid helium. A particular advantage is that closed-cycle refrigerators can operate continuously for months from just an electrical power source.
General parameters
Number of channels: 1 or 2
Electrical connection: SMA-50 Ohm
Driver interface: USB, LabVIEW
Advantages of the System
Response time down to 50 ps
Possibilities for different beam geometry (beam pattern F/3 to F/∞ (collimated beam))
Registration of short pulses (THz pulses from nano- to picoseconds)
Ultra-high sensitivity
Possible Applications:
•Radio astronomy observations
•Terahertz spectroscopy•Space-based astronomy
•Near-field microscopy
•All-weather navigation systems
•Near-field microscopy Remote Sensing
•Fusion Diagnostics
•Electron cyclotron emission and interferometry
•Terahertz imaging for security
•Laser radiation detection
•Materials Characterization
•Network Analyses•Atmospheric