Optical Sciences Corporation (OSC)is an Alabama-based small business which was founded in 1995. OSC manufactures custom sensor test equipment and provides high quality technical and engineering support services to the U.S. Army, NASA, and private aerospace/defense corporations.
We are located within the Research Park business district of Huntsville, Alabama. OSC maintains a 7000 square foot office complex including office space and laboratories. The north Alabama area is home to numerous defense, aerospace, and engineering firms. In addition, Huntsville is home to the U.S. Army's Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), Space and Strategic Defense Command (SSDC), and NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC).
Micro-Mirror Array Projector System (MAPS): This system is a standalone dynamic infrared projector capable of generating realistic IR images for advanced testing of IR seekers, sensors, and FLIRS. Applications of the projector include hardware-in-the-loop testing, portable test sets, built-in testing, production line testing and training. The MAPS is capable of operating in two modes: flickerless binary and PWM. In binary mode, the projector is virtually flickerless, with only a brief reset occurring each frame to prevent hinge memory in the micromirrors. The projector is compact and can be produced at a low-cost compared to other IR projector technologies.
Dynamic Sensor Test Set (DSTS): This system is designed for automated high speed testing of visible and IR sensors. The DSTS is designed to replace the static target plates and choppers used on industry-standard test collimators. The DSTS is capable of performing standard tests such as MTF, MRTD, and NEDT at very high speed, as well as advanced dynamic tests such as seeker tracking and correlation. The DSTS is a dynamic scene projector which can be operated in binary or PWM mode. Applications of the projector include any sensor test application which currently uses static test plates, but needs higher speed or dynamic scene capability.