
Alpes Lasers SA(瑞士)


1–3 Max.-de-Meuron C. P. 1766 2000 Neuchâtel Switzerland
+41 32 729 95 10
+41 32 721 36 19
窄线宽激光器  量子级联激光器  半导体激光器  分布反馈激光器  激光  中红外激光光源 


Alpes Lasers公司位于瑞士,是先进的光源供应商。产品包括分布反馈式激光器、中红外激光器、窄线宽激光器,特别是其量子级联激光器产品,广泛应用于气体检测等诸多领域。


Lasers Devices


You can browse through our list of individual single-mode laser characteristics and test sheets.  For these lasers, the lead time is 2 weeks for chips on NS carrier and 8 weeks with an hermetic package.

The typical characteristics of  the standard Fabry-PérotHigh Power multimode sources and Broad Gain lasers are found in their respective sections. Lead-times are 2 to 12 weeks depending on carrier, package and coating options chosen.

The QC-ET and QC-XT are extended tuning sources available in HHL packages allowing faster and larger tuning than the standard DFB lasers without any moving parts. For an even larger tuning range, you can have a look at the External Cavity Kit.


In the packaging section you will find the available housings. More detailed information can be found in the manual. Please note that laser/package compatibility is not universal.

Packaging Options

Alpes Lasers offers QCLs in a variety of packages, which are described in more detail below as well as in the manual.


SEM view of a QCL on NS 
submount with wirebonds

Accessories and Kits

Alpes Lasers can supply equipment to run the QCL. 

  • Lasers housings are described in the packaging optionssection.

  • Complete kits can be supplied which are compatible with either LLH or HHL housings

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