Laseroptik公司德国Garbsen, 成立于1984年,主要提供激光光学和涂料.
Find standard coatings for the most common laser types, sorted by wavelength areas:
If you need a special coating type take a look into the chapters:
Metal coatings
OPO coatings
Multiline coatings
Different kinds of GDD-optimized coatings you can find in our large chapter:
Dispersive coatings.
If you need extremely low loss optics or work with special substrates, large optics or environmental conditions see:
Coatings on special substrates
Coatings for special applications
How to manufacture substrates and how to specify correctly their properties you can read here:
Production of substrates
Tolerances for substrates
Charactaristics and transmission curves are given for
Standard substrates
LASEROPTIC offers a wide range of substrate materials and sizes. Standards like plane windows, lenses or wedges are stored steadily for a fast reaction time. If you will not find the perfect one within our
Stock substrates,
please ask us for a customized solution.